ROA "ROA" 7" Lathe Cut
$2.00 - $10.00
ROA "ROA" 7" Lathe Cut
$2.00 - $10.00
Through much older siblings, ROA was first exposed to hard music in the first grade. Seven years later he played a club for the first time with his first band, Justice League. What followed was him singing on records with Justice League, End to End and Eyelid. On this new recording, ROA takes his influences, both literary and musical, and emotes. He will hopefully inspire while attempting to kill apathy in himself and others.
Released in a limited edition of 50 clear 7" lathe cuts. All lathe cut orders on this site will come with a free immediate download as well.
Lathe cut records are made one-at-a-time, in real-time, by a real person. Lathe cut records are NOT pressed records and may have slightly more surface noise (due to static build up and dust) or an occasional light distortion in some frequencies, but they sound pretty nice given the circumstances. The volume will be a little lower than a modern “post-loudness-war” record, so turn it up to enjoy. The records should track well, even on cheaper turntables, but if you have problems, adjust your tonearm weight and your anti-skate settings. Lathe cut records will NOT degrade or harm your needle or cartridge.
1. Commerce
2. Circle Sky