What started out as a simple want to get together and play some noisy and grindy tunes eventually spun it's way out of control. Although Josh and Jesse never intended for the weekend project to turn into a full on writing, recording, and touring endeavor they did realize early on that there was a need to enlist a couple more members. Recruiting Justin and getting a few weekends of practice under their belts they demo-ed 3 songs that they DMed to Whitney and then waited.

As luck would have it, Whitney dug the tunes and before you knew it she was making the two and half hour drive from Simi Valley out to Apple Valley for practices and recording. Their debut EP was written over the next 8 weeks and quickly recorded over the course of a few weekends with their good friend Nick from Stay Wild. After burning through an entire weekend throwing serial killer references back and forth in a group text amongst the band, it was decided to call the band Ursula (with one R).

It was also decided that they would work their collective asses off to play every show that crossed their path and jump on any chance to tour that they could get. Their feet have stayed on that gas pedal ever since.

Apple Valley’s Ursula blurs the line of every conventional facet of underground noise. Metal, punk, hardcore, grind, crust, thrash, they all apply yet none define them.

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